download 1 16 Health Benefits of Honey, Tips and Risks

Health Benefits of Honey, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Honey  can help you to fight various diseases like Heart Diseases, Anaemia, Pulmonary Diseases, Skin Diseases, Irritating Cough, Insomnia, Oral Diseases, Eye Diseases, Diseases of stomach, Old Age, Sexual Debilit. Read the following passages about Honey  advantages and find Honey effects on your body-

Honey – Health Benefits

Honey advantages are numerous. Following is the list of benefits which Honey gives you. The following paragraph focuses on Honey health benefits.

1. Benefits of Honey in Heart Diseases or Treatment of Heart Diseases with Honey- Dr Arnold Lorand, an eminent nutrition expert considers honey as the best food for the heart. He observes, “Honey is easily digested and assimilated; it is the best sweet food, as it does not cause flatulence and can prevent it to a certain extent, promoting the activity of the bowels. It can be easily added to the five meals a day I recommend in cases of arteriosclerosis and of weak hearts. As it would be unwise to leave such a hard-working organ as the heart without food over the long hours of the night, I recommend heart patients to take before going to bed a glass of water with honey and lemon juice in it, and also to take it when awakening at night”.1 Honey is useful in cardiac pain and palpitation of the heart.

2. Benefits of Honey in Anaemia or Treatment of Anaemia- Honey is remarkable in building haemoglobin in the body. this is largely due to the iron, copper and manganese contained in it. It is beneficial in the treatment of anaemia as it helps maintain the right balance of haemoglobin and red blood corpuscles.

3. Benefits of Honey in Pulmonary Diseases or Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases- Honey is highly beneficial in the treatment of all diseases of the lungs. It is said if a jug of honey is held under the nose of an asthma patient and he inhales the air that comes into contact with the honey, he starts breathing easier and deeper. The effects last for about an hour or so. This is because honey contains a mixture of ‘higher’ alcohols and ethereal oil and the vapours given off by them are soothing and beneficial to the asthma patients. It usually brings relief whether the air flowing over the honey is inhaled or whether it is eaten or taken either in milk or water. Some authorities recommend one year-old honey for respiratory disease.

4. Benefits of Honey in Skin Diseases or Treatment of Skin Diseases with Honey- Honey, applied externally, is considered useful in the treatment of wounds and sores. Dr N. Zaiss, a leading Viennese physician before the World Wars, claimed to have treated successfully thousands of cases of wounds, sores and long-standing ulcers with honey. Honey, according to him soothes pain, acts as an antiseptic, hastens to heal and is especially effective in curing burns and carbuncles.

5. Benefits of Honey in Irritating Cough or Treatment of Irritating Cough with Honey- The use of honey is highly beneficial in the treatment of irritating cough. As a demulcent or soothing agent, it produces a soothing effect on the inflamed mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and retrieves irritating cough and symptoms like difficulty in swallowing. For the same reason, it is used in the manufacture of various cough mixtures. Honey gargles are also useful in irritant cough.

6. Benefits of Honey in Insomnia or Treatment of Insomnia with Honey- Honey is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia. It has hypnotic action in bringing sound sleep. It should be taken with water, before going to bed, in doses of two teaspoonfuls in a big cupful of water. Babies generally fall asleep after taking honey.

7. Benefits of Honey in Oral Diseases or Treatment of Oral Diseases with Honey- Honey is valuable in keeping the mouth healthy. Applied daily over the teeth and gums, it cleans and gives sparkle to the teeth. It prevents the deposit of tartar at the base of the teeth and prevents decay and early falling of the teeth. Being a mild antiseptic, it prevents the growth of harmful micro-organisms. It also keeps the gums in the healthy state, increasing their vascularity. In case of ulcers in the oral cavity, honey helps in their early healing and prevents further sepsis and pyogenic infection-related bad odour and pus formation. Gargling with honey water is very useful in gingivitis due to inflammation of the gums.

8. Benefits of Honey in Eye Diseases or Treatment of Eye Diseases with Honey- Honey is an excellent remedy for various eye ailments. Applied daily in the eyes, it improves the eye-sight. It is very useful in the treatment of itching of the eyes, trachoma, conjunctivitis and other similar diseases. It’s regular internal as well as external application will prevent glaucoma in the initial stage of the disease. Honey is valuable in the prevention of cataract formation. Two grams of onion juice and honey each, mixed together, should be kept safe in a clean bottle. It should be applied locally to the eyes with a glass rod. This is a very effective remedy for immature cataract. It resolves the already coagulated protein fibres as well as prevents further coagulation.

9. Benefits of Honey in Diseases of stomach or Treatment of Stomach Diseases with Honey- Honey is useful in maintaining the health of the stomach. It tones up the stomach, helps in proper digestion and prevents stomach diseases. It also decreases the overproduction of hydrochloric acid thereby preventing symptoms like nausea, vomiting and heartburn. When putrified faecal matter and undigested foods are present in the alimentary canal, honey acts as a laxative and emetic and clears the digestive canal of the waste matter.

10. Benefits of Honey in Old Age or Treatment of Old Age with Honey- Honey is especially useful in providing energy and heat to the body in old age. It dries up the phlegm and clears the system of mucus to which a person generally falls victim to in old age. One or two teaspoonfuls of honey in a cupful of boiling water, taken while still warm, is a refreshing and strengthening drink.

11. Benefits of Honey in Sexual Debility or Treatment of Sexual Debility- Honey is a spermatogenic and sexual stimulant. It is regarded by many Asiatics as an aphrodisiac. They believe that it possesses a magical substance which influences the fertility, of women and the virility of men. In ancient days, a simple honey potion was said to offer a feeling of rejuvenation. It was prepared by boiling three parts water to one part honey over a slow fire until two-thirds remains. This honey potion is believed to promote a feeling of rejuvenation and youthful virility.’

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Honey

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