download 28 Health Benefits of Pigeon Pea, Tips and Risks

Health Benefits of Pigeon Pea, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Pigeon Pea can help you to fight various diseases like Baldness, Jaundice, Checking Breast Milk Secretion, Inflammation, Piles. Read the following passages about Pigeon Pea advantages and find Pigeon Pea effects on your body-

Pigeon Pea – Health Benefits

Pigeon Pea advantages are numerous. Following is the list of benefits which Pigeon Pea gives you. The following paragraph focuses on Pigeon Pea health benefits.

1. Benefits of Pigeon Pea in Baldness or Treatment of Baldness with Pigeon Pea- A fine paste made of this pulse is highly useful in bald patches. It should be applied regularly.

2. Benefits of Pigeon Pea in Jaundice or Treatment of Jaundice with Pigeon Pea- The expressed juice of the leaves given, with a little salt, is highly beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. 60ml of this juice should be taken daily in this condition.

3. Benefits of Pigeon Pea in Checking Breast Milk Secretion or Treatment of Breast Milk Secretion with Pigeon Pea- The pulse and leaves ground into a paste, warmed and applied over the mamma, has the effect of checking the secretion of breast milk.

4. Benefits of Pigeon Pea in Inflammation or Treatment of Inflammation with Pigeon PeaThe leaves of the plant are effective in all inflammatory conditions. A poultice made with the seeds will also reduce swelling.

5. Benefits of Pigeon Pea in Piles or Treatment of Piles with Pigeon Pea- A paste of the leaves, mixed with a teaspoonful of a paste of need leaves, is highly beneficial in the treatment of piles and itching in the anus. It should be taken once daily for a week.

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Pigeon Pea

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