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Health Benefits of Avocado, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Avocado fruit can help you to fight various diseases like  Digestive System Disorders, Bad Breath, Bright’s disease, Psoriasis, Beauty Aid. Read the following passages about Avocado fruit advantages and find Avocado effects on your body-

Avocado – Health Benefits

1. Benefits of Avocado in Digestive System Disorders and Treatment of Digestive System Disorders with Avocado- The avocado is an excellent food remedy in acute digestive disorders. Its blandness is comforting to the hypersensitive surfaces of the stomach and duodenum, and its abundant vitamins reanimate the inflamed and crippled cells. The physicians in China have, for centuries, prescribed the juice of this, fruit for colic and chills in the stomach. The Japanese employ the same remedy to treat ulceration of the intestines. The avocado is an efficient aid in changing the intestinal flora to combat autointoxication, colitis, and biliousness. In cases of hyperacidity with a sour stomach, avocado and well-ripened papaya should be used as a staple diet. These two fruits are the most appropriate foods in cases of duodenitis and duodenal ulcer because they are bland or soothing to the sensitive membrane and pass quickly into the intestine.

2. Benefits of Avocado in Bad Breath and Treatment of Bad Breadth with Avocado- The avocado is far superior to any mouth lotion or remedies for bad breath. It effectively removes intestinal putrefactions or decomposition which is the real cause of a coated tongue and bad breath.

3. Benefits of Avocado in Bright’s disease and Treatment of Bright’s disease with Avocado- The avocado is especially useful as a staple food in cases of Bright’s disease because of its small protein content and with none of the poisonous extractives present in the flesh of this fruit.

4. Benefits of Avocado in Psoriasis and Treatment of Psoriasis with Avocado- The oil of avocado is considered beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. It should be applied gently to the affected parts. It helps in taking the scales off.

5. Benefits of Avocado in Beauty Aid and Treatment of Avocado with Avocado- The oil extracted from the avocado is employed in the preparation of cosmetics. A wide range of beauty aids with an avocado base is now available. These include creams, cleansers and moisturizers to prevent the ageing effect of dehydration, skin foods, bath oils, shampoos which give a rich lather and act as a scalp conditioner and revitalize dull hair.


As avocados become sour when cooked and cannot successfully survive to freeze, they should be eaten raw and as fresh as possible. If they have to be kept for a short time, they should be stored at room temperature and not in a refrigerator.

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Avocado

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