images 21 Health Benefits of Potato, Tips and Risks

Health Benefits of Potato, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Potato vegetable can help you to fight various diseases like Potato Therapy, Scurvy, Rheumatism, Digestive System Disorders, Skin Blemishes, Swellings. Read the following passages about Potato vegetable advantages and find Potato effects on your body-

Potato – Health Benefits

Potato advantages are numerous. Following is the list of benefits which Potato gives you. The following paragraph focuses on Potato health benefits.

1. Benefits of Potato in Potato Therapy or Treatment of certain Disorders with Potato- An exclusive potato diet is considered valuable in the treatment of certain disorders such as chronic constipation, intestinal toxaemia, uric acid diseases, renal calculi or stone and dropsy. This diet may be employed with beneficial results for several months, if necessary. In the potato diet, potatoes can be consumed in its various preparations, such as baked, steamed and in soup form. When on potato diet, other vegetables which can be taken are spinach, beet tops, turnip tops, cucumbers lettuce, celery, tomatoes and other green vegetables.

2. Benefits of Potato in Scurvy or Treatment of Scurvy with Potato- The potato is regarded as an excellent food remedy in scurvy. It has been noted that scurvy in Europe has become more and more uncommon with the progress of potato cultivation and it makes its appearance only when the crop fails. Dr G.F. Still used “potato cream” in curing cases of infantile scurvy, while Dr A.F. Hess used ordinary mashed potatoes for the same purposes.

3. Benefits of Potato in Rheumatism or Treatment of Rheumatism with Potato- Raw potato juice is regarded as an excellent food remedy for rheumatism. One or two teaspoonfuls of the juice pressed out of mashed raw potato should be taken before meals. This will help eliminate an acid condition and relieve rheumatism. In some rural areas in Great Britain, it is a custom for the rheumatic sufferer to carry a potato in their pockets, in the belief that the potato will absorb in itself some of the acids from the sufferer’s body. The old potato is thrown away and replaced by a new one after a few days. The skin of the potato is also an excellent food remedy for rheumatism. The skin is exceptionally rich in vital mineral salts and the water in which the peelings have been boiled is one of the best medicines for the ailments caused by an excess of acid in the system. The potato peelings should be thoroughly washed and boiled for a few minutes. The decoction should then be strained and a glassful of the same should be taken three or four times daily.

4. Benefits of Potato in Digestive System Disorders or Treatment of Digestive System Disorders with Potato- Raw potato juice is valuable in stomach and intestinal disorders. Stomach ulcers are treated with the juice of pink potatoes. Potato juice also relieves gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cupful two or three times half an hour before meals. Potato starch is administered as an anti-inflammatory for gastrointestinal diseases and toxins.

5. Benefits of Potato in Skin Blemishes or Treatment of Skin Blemishes with Potato- The juice of raw potatoes has also proved very valuable in clearing skin blemishes. This cleansing results from the high content of potassium, sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine in the potato. These elements are, however, of value only when the potato is raw as in this state they are composed of live organic atoms. In the cooked state, they are converted into inorganic atoms and are of little value for constructive purposes. The juicy pulp of the shredded raw potatoes can also be applied as a poultice in clearing the wrinkles and other skin blemishes due to ageing. It may be rubbed on the face and other portions of the body that have wrinkles before retiring for bed. It will help ‘melt’ the wrinkles, banish age spots and clear the skin. The enzymes in raw potato pulp, combined with Vitamin C and the natural starch, helps create a ‘skin food’ that nourishes the starved cellular tissues of the skin. Furthermore, the alkaline juices of the potato promote an antiseptic action that gives a glowing look of youth. Much of the decaying skin sloughs off by the acid portion of the pulp.

6. Benefits of Potato in Swellings or Treatment of Swellings with Potato- Raw potato juice, externally applied, is valuable in the treatment of swelling and other disordered condition of the joints and muscles. After extraction of the juice, it should be boiled down to about one-fifth of its original bulk. A little quantity of glycerine may be added as a preservative. It is used as a liniment. It should be applied after fomentation of the affected parts and should be repeated every three hours until the pain and swelling are relieved.

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Potato

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