images 1 19 Health Benefits of Rice, Tips and Risks

Health Benefits of Rice, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Rice can help you to fight various diseases like Internal Rejuvenation, High Blood Pressure, Body Balance, Digestive System Disorders, Diarrhoea, Skin Inflammation. Read the following passages about Rice advantages and find Rice effects on your body-

Rice – Health Benefits

Rice advantages are numerous. Following is the list of benefits which Rice gives you. The following paragraph focuses on Rice health benefits.

1. Benefits of Rice in Internal Rejuvenation or Treatment of Internal Rejuvenation with Rice- Rice protein, which comprises up to eight per cent of the grain, has a special benefit as it has eight of the essential amino acids in delicately balanced proportions. A complete internal rejuvenation takes place when rice protein is metabolized into health-building amino acids. These amino acids build resilient muscles which come back to its original form after stretching and bending, healthy skin and hair and clearer eyesight and nourish the heart and lungs, tendons and ligaments, brain, nervous system and glandular network. The B-complex vitamins, especially thiamin, riboflavin and niacin offered by natural brown rice promote youthful energy and nourishment to skin and blood vessels. An abundance of minerals in natural brown rice help to nourish the hormonal system, heal wounds and regulate blood pressure. Rice also offers iron to enrich the bloodstream and phosphorus and potassium to maintain internal water balance along with other nutrients. Rice thus helps restore internal harmony.

2. Benefits of Rice in High Blood Pressure or Treatment of High Blood Pressure with Rice- Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol and low-salt contents. It makes a perfect diet for those hypertensive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets. It has been noted by modern researchers that wherever rice is used as the main food, there is a corresponding benefit of youthful vitality and a very low rate of hypertension. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.

3. Benefits of Rice in Body Balance or Treatment of Body Balance with Rice- The rice diet, in combination with milk, creates a marvellous body balance. In this regimen, natural brown rice is used as the only solid food throughout the day. Fresh milk is taken with each of the rice meals. The rice may be cooked in any manner but no salt should be used. The milk should be comfortably cool. The nutrients in the rice form a unique balance with those in the milk. The two notable amino acids, isoleucine and lysine in the milk are greatly strengthened by rice protein, thereby enabling them to form stronger body-building blue ks. The mutual lactic acid in milk works with cite luottot In Jul in the absot point Of iron.

4. Benefits of Rice in Digestive System Disorders or Treatment of Digestive System Disorders with Rice- Rice has a very low fibre content , and is therefore extremely soothing to the digestive system. This makes rice ideal food for digestive system disorders. Thick gruel of rice mixed with a glassful of butter-milk and a well-ripe banana given twice a day is a very nutritious diet in typhoid, gastric ulcer, gastritis, stomach and intestinal cancer, colitis, diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, rectal fissure, indigestion, in acute febrile diseases related to fever, hepatitis or inflammation of liver, jaundice, morning sickness, acute dilatation of the stomach, burning and indigestion due to hiatus hernia, excessive accumulation of the gas in the intestines, and all the diseases where the mild and light diet is indicated.

5. Benefits of Rice in Diarrhoea in Children or Treatment of Diarrhoea with Rice- Rice is useful in treating diarrhoea in children. A teaspoonful of powder of charred par-boiled rice mixed with a glassful of buttermilk should be given in doses of an ounce every half an hour in this condition. This will bring excellent results.

6. Benefits of Rice in Skin Inflammation or Treatment of Skin Inflammation with Rice- Rice may also be used externally in the form of powder or poultice. The rice flour, dusted thickly over the surface, has a very cooling and soothing effect in small-pox, measles, prickly heat and other inflammatory affections of the skin including burns and scalds. It allays heat and irritation. Rice powder should be used soon after the occurrence of injury in case of burns and scalds and it should be dusted thickly over the whole of the affected surface.

Rice is usually cooked by boiling in water, or by steaming, and is eaten mostly with pulses, vegetables, fish or meat. There are two varieties of rice, the long grain rice and short and medium grain rice. When cooked, the grains of long variety soften but do not stick to each other. This variety is especially good for consuming it with curries, stews or as a side dish with a sauce or gravy Short and medium varieties have short, plump grains which cook tender and moist, with the particles tending to ding together. They are especially good for making puddings.

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Rice

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