images 1 15 Health Benefits of Spinach, Tips and Risks

Health Benefits of Spinach, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Spinach can help you to fight various diseases like Constipation, Anaemia, Acidosis, Night Blindness, Tooth Disorders, Pregnancy and Lactation, Urinary Disorders, Respiratory Disorders. Read the following passages about Spinach advantages and find Spinach effects on your body-

Spinach – Health Benefits

1. Benefits of Spinach in Constipation or Treatment of Constipation with Spinach- Spinach juice cleans the digestive tract by removing the accumulated waste there from. It nourishes the intestines and tones up their movements. It is, therefore, an excellent food remedy for constipation.

2. Benefits of Spinach in Anaemia or Treatment of Anaemia with Spinach- This vegetable is a valuable source of high-grade iron. After its absorption in the system, the formation of haemoglobin and red blood cells take place. It is thus highly beneficial building up the blood and in the prevention and treatment of anaemia.

3. Benefits of Spinach in Acidosis or Treatment of Acidosis with Spinach- Spinach is also a rich source of calcium and other alkaline elements which are essential for keeping the tissues clean and for preserving the alkalinity of the blood. It, therefore, helps prevent chronic diseases which thrive on the formation of too much acid in the system.

4. Benefits of Spinach in Night Blindness or Treatment of Night Blindness with Spinach- The spinach is particularly rich in vitamin A. It contains more vitamin A than most other green vegetables. This vitamin promotes growth and health, especially the health of the eyes. Lack of this vitamin may lead to night blindness. Spinach is thus an effective food remedy for the prevention and treatment of night blindness.

5. Benefits of Spinach in Tooth Disorders or Treatment of Tooth Disorders with Spinach- The spinach juice is effective in strengthening the gums and preventing ting and curing dental cavities. Chewing raw spinach leaves cures pyorrhoea. A mixture of carrot juice and spinach juice, taken early in the morning, can cure bleeding and ulcerated gums.

6. Benefits of Spinach Pregnancy and Lactation or Treatment of Lactation in Spinach- As the richest source of folic acid, spinach is a very valuable food during pregnancy and lactation. Megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy occurs because the mother is deficient in folic acid. This deficiency of folic acid occurs as this substance is required for the developing foetus. Regular use of spinach during pregnancy will help prevent the deficiency of folic acid. It will also prevent threatened abortion and accidental haemorrhage, deficient absorption of food by small intestine associated with lassitude i.e. tiredness, shortness of breath, loss of weight and diarrhoea. Spinach is also a good source of nutrition for nursing or lactating mothers and improves the quality of their milk.

7. Benefits of Spinach in Urinary Disorders or Treatment of Urinary Disorders with Spinach- Fresh spinach juice is taken with tender coconut water once or twice a day acts as a very effective but safe diuretic due to the combined action of both nitrates and potassium. It can be safely given in cystitis, nephritis and scanty urination due to dehydration.

8. Benefits of Spinach in Respiratory Disorders or Treatment of Respiratory Disorders with Spinach- Infusion of fresh leaves of spinach prepared with two teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds mixed with a pinch of ammonium chloride and honey is an effective expectorant tonic during the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma and dry cough due to congestion in the throat. It soothes the bronchioles, liquifies the tenacious sputum and forms healthy tissues in the lungs and increase resistance against respiratory infections. It should be taken in doses of 30 ml. three times daily.

Spinach is often cooked as a green vegetable; it is also used as a soup. Small, young and tender leaves of spinach can be used as raw salads. They are as appetising as tender lettuce leaves. The leaves of spinach are so juicy that no additional water is needed for its cooking. The leaves should first be washed in several changes of water. The water which clings to the leaves is sufficient for cooking without adding more. The leaves should always be cooked on a moderate heat. It contributes roughage, colour and a bland flavour to the diet and it helps to balance the fuel foods in the menu. It, however, contains a small amount of OSA II( and which is insoluble in the fluids of the alimentary tract t and is hat mitt, in gavels, gout and liver disease. Therefore, it should not be used these suffering from these ailments.

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Spinach

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