images 1 7 Health Benefits of Pomegranate, Tips and Risks

Health Benefits of Pomegranate, Tips and Risks


The following page describes how Pomegranate fruit can help you to fight various diseases like Digestive Disorders, Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Intestinal Worms, Fevers, Anal Itching, Kidney and Bladder Stones, Teeth and Gum Disorder. Read the following passages about Pomegranate fruit advantages and find Pomegranate effects on your body-

Pomegranate Health Benefits

1. Benefits of Pomegranate in Digestive Disorders or Treatment of Digestive Disorders with Pomegranate – Pomegranate juice is of great value in digestive disorders. It is an appetiser, a digestive food item and is useful for patients suffering from colitis and mucous. It binds the stools and tones up the intestines. & table Spoonful of the juice mixed with equal quantity of honey can be given with beneficial results in bilious vomiting i.e. bile containing fluid and nausea, burning in the chest due to excessive secretion of bile, flatulent colic and morning sickness.

2. Benefits of Pomegranate in Diarrhoea and Dysentery or Treatment of Diarrhoea and Dysentery with Pomegranate – The chief value of the pomegranate is its astringent proper-ties which cause cells to shrink—and it is a valuable food medicine for diarrhoea and dysentery. If the patient develops weak-ness on account of profuse and continuous purging, he should be given repeatedly about 50 ml. of pomegranate juice to drink. This will control his diarrhoea. If the patient passes blood with stools, this will also stop by the use of fresh pomegranate juice. The flower buds are also astringent and are useful in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery, especially of children.

3. Benefits of Pomegranate in Intestinal Worms or Treatment of Intestinal Worms with Pomegranate – The bark, both of the root and the stems of the pomegranate tree, is well known for its anthelmintic properties of destroying parasitic worms. The root-bark is, however, preferred as it contains a greater quantity of the alkaloid punitive than the stem-bark. This alkaloid is highly toxic to tapeworms. 90 to 180 ml. of the cold decoction of the bark, preferably fresh bark, should be given three times at intervals of one hour to an adult: A purgative should be given after the last dose. The dose for children is 30 to 60 ml. The decoction is also used for expelling tapeworms.

4. Benefits of Pomegranate in Fevers or Treatment of Fever with Pomegranate – The juice of the fruit with the addition of a little saffron is useful in fevers to allay thirst. A sherbet of the ripe fruit is beneficial in the treatment of typhus, gastric and asthmatic fevers. The root bark is also given as a febrifuge in—i.e. to prevent—fevers.’

5. Benefits of Pomegranate in Anal Itching or Treatment of Anal Itching with Pomegranate – The skin of the pomegranate fruit is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of anal itching. This nasty discomfort may result from unhygienic habits or from worm infection. The skin of the fruit should be roasted until it is brittle and black. It is then powdered. The powder is mixed with a little vegetable oil and applied over the anus.

6. Benefits of Pomegranate in Kidney and Bladder Stones or Treatment of stones with Pomegranate – The seeds of sour and sweet pomegranate are useful as medicine. A tablespoonful of seeds, ground into a fine paste can be given along with a cupful of horse-gram soup to dissolve gravel in kidneys and bladder.

7. Benefits of Pomegranate in Teeth and Gum Disorder or Treatment of Teeth and Gum Disorder with Pomegranate – Powder of the dry rind mixed with pepper and common salt is applied as a very good dentifrice—i.e. toothpaste or powder. Its regular application strengthens the gum, stops bleeding, prevents pyorrhoea, cleans the teeth and preserves them for a long time.


The pomegranate is used as a table-fruit. Its juice is regarded as a delicacy and is made into excellent sherbet and drunk with the addition of water and sugar. It is also used in preparing syrups, ice-creams, jellies and marmalades. The pomegranate has a very good keeping quality. It can be kept well for about six months in cold storage. Its thick rind protects its succulent seeds from much rough handling.


The fruit should be eaten immediately after they are cut open as the seeds lose their colour quickly. Pipes should not be swallowed while eating the fruit. This is said to have a bad effect on the intestines and may cause appendicitis.

Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Pomegranate

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