The following page describes everything about Fig fruit. It tells what is Fig meaning, and what do we call Fig in Hindi. Some hidden facts also like the health benefits of Fig dry fruit and much more. This page describes facts about Fig. It tells Value of Fig fruit including Minerals and Vitamins in Fig fruit and describes what are the natural benefits and curative properties of Fig with Health Benefits of Fig.
Botanical Name/Scientific Name: Ficus carica
Indian Name: Anjeer
Description of Fig Fruit
Following is the Description of Fig Fruit. It includes Fig color and some more information about Fig–
The fig occupies a high position among fruits. Soft, sweet and pulpy, this delicious fruit promotes health. It is a pear-shaped hollow fruit, with sugary pulp and a large number of small seeds of golden colour sticking to the wall of the cavity. It is variable in size and colours the ripe fresh fruit is juicy, wholesome and delicious. However, being highly perishable, it is sold in the world markets in its dry form.
Origin and Distribution of Fig Fruit
The Following paragraph describes the origin and distribution of the Fig Fruit. Go through to know more about the origin and distribution of the Fig Fruit–
The fig is a native of Asia Minor and spread early to the Mediterranean region. It is a plant of extremely ancient cultivation and was grown in Egypt around 4,000 BC. It has been used as a principal food in the Mediterranean countries for thousands of years. The main areas of fig cultivation in India are Pune in Maharashtra, Srirangapatnam in Karnataka, Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh and parts of Gujarat.
Value of Fig Fruit
Fig nutrition is another matter of knowledge. So here we are providing Fig nutritional value which actually tellabout Fig nutrients and their benefits.
An analysis of the fresh fig shows it consists good amount of moisture and little protein, fat and carbohydrate. The dry fig has a high nutritive value. Its most important food element is sugar which forms 51 to 74 per cent of the whole fruit. It can be taken in various ways, either by itself or in combination with other foodstuffs enrich their food value. When taken with white flour, it removes much of its constipating effect. It combines very well with milk. Figs are often used for preparing cakes and jams. They are also made into pudding
Fig (Fresh) Food Value
Moisture in Fig 88.1%
Protein in Fig 1.3%
Fat in Fig 0.2%
Carbohydrates in Fig 7.6%
Fibre in Fig 2.2%
Minerals in Fig 0.6%
Minerals and Vitamins in Fig
Find details about Minerals and Vitamins in Fig. It specially focuses on Fig Nutrition–
Minerals and Vitamins
Calcium in Fig 35 mg
Phosphorus in Fig 22 mg
Iron in Fig 0.6 mg
Vitamin A in Fig 80 I U
Vitamin C in Fig 2 mg
Small amount of Vitamin B Complex
Calorific Value – 80
(Values per 100 gms edible portion International Unit)
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties of Fig
Fig has a lot of curative properties and natural benefits. Read this passage to find benefits of Fig–
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties Many medicinal virtues have been as I lined the fig. It is considered a restorative food which helps in quick recovery after prolonged illness. It removes physical and mental exertion and endows the body with renewed vigour and strength. It is an excellent tonic for the weak people who suffer cracks in lips, tongue and mouth.
Fig has wonderful health benefits in Treatment of Constipation, Piles, Asthma, Sexual Weakness, Corns. To read more about them click the link below-
Click Here for Amazing Health Benefits and Curative Properties of Fig